Cape buffalo hunting is one of the oldest traditions Africa has to offer. This outfitter has three Cape buffalo bulls that have escaped and now run wild in the rugged hills and as such they need to be hunted to remove. We have personally been here and can attest to the PH's incredible skills, challenge of hunting these bulls where they live, you can plan to have long days on your boots as you move in on these massive bulls. Even the most seasoned hunter can't help but have the hair on the back of their neck stand on its end when you are in close and preparing for your shot. When the day gives way to night you will find yourself relaxing in the best of comfort with a fully stocked bar and a warm fire you can swap stories or slip away for some spa time right on location. The spa offers massages, a sauna, and jacuzzi to melt away any aches and pains you may have. Accommodations are in three luxurious African style chalets with private baths. This is a perfect location for families, groups of friends, or business associates. Non-hunting actives include horseback riding, game viewing, or well-planned day trips. Whether you have been to Africa many times or just getting started with your adventures on the Dark Continent give us a call and let’s talk about this amazing operation on the Eastern Cape of South Africa.
*Sunday is a non-hunting day, guest can schedule trips to Addo Elephant park or relax with a lovely barbeque.
Cape Buffalo in South Africa
7 Day schedule, 6 days of Hunting
Price includes one (1) trophy Cape Buffalo <44"
44" - 47" Bulls available at $28,900
47"+ Bulls available POR
Trophy fees on additional species:
Blesbuck $650
White blesbuck $1,450
Blue duiker $2,450
Bontebok $1990 - may not be importable to US
Bushbuck $1250
Duiker-Grey $520
Eland $3,500
Fallow deer $990
Gemsbuck $1,950
Grysbuck $2,990
Giraffe $4,500
Impala $650
Klipspringer $3,500
Cape kudu (under 44) $2,500
Cape kudu (over 44) $2990
Mountain reedbuck $645
Common reedbuck $2,500
Nyala $2,990
Cape buffalo <44 $14,900
Cape buffalo 44-47" $24,900
Ostrich $990
Red hartebeest $1,750
Red lechwe $2,990
Springbok Cape $520
Black & White Springbuck $990
Copper springbuck $990
Springbok Coffee $2990
Steenbuck $520
Vaal rhebuck $3,990
Waterbuck $2,990
Warthog $900
Black wildebeest $1,750
Blue wildebeest $1,750
Golden wildebeest $2,990
Burchell's zebra $1,750
Lynx/Caracal $1,100
Sable <44 $5,500
Sable <49 $7,500
Rhino dart POR
Lion, Leopard, Hippo, Croc POR
Buffalo (47"+) or Sable (49"+) POR
Please note that not all species occur in the same concession.
Trophy fees subject to change.