There is not another species in North America that is more "American" that a mature bull bison. These massive animals are truly legendary in every way. We are very excited for the opportunity to be offering what we believe is one of the last best bison hunts in the country. While most of the "trophy hunts" around the country are harvesting 5-6 year old bulls, this property is under strict management, and only 10 year old or older bulls are eligible to be harvested, currently there are a couple of bulls that are even 15 years old. This simply doesn't exist anywhere else. These are 2,000 pound bulls with massive heads, and unbelievable body size. Hunts are conducted on a 17,000 acre ranch in Northern Colorado, and the pastures that you can expect to find your bull change during the year but range from 1,800 acres to multiple thousands of acres, this is a privatly owned herd, but with that much dirt, there is no question you will be hunting you bull. Currently the overall herd of bison on the property is just north of 800 plus animals, and you can expect to see lots of mule deer, elk, and antelope as well while you are hunting. Accomodations are on the property, and add to the experience with a classic western feel you would expect on a ranch of this caliber. Meat processing is available a short distance from the ranch with a butcher who processes many bison a year, and has all of what is needed to ensure the big bulls are processed correctly. If you have been looking for a place to hunt a big mature bull bison, this is the place, give our consultants a call, and get on the schedule, as you can imagine there are only a few bulls a year that are the right age class to be hunted.
Trophy American Bison Hunting
$18,500 - 3 day hunt
Hunt on day of arrival / Hunt next 2 days / Hunt morning of departure if needed